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The ART Foundation: educational action in the Royal Castle in Warsaw, - readings and lessons in cooperation with the Museum of the Independence on Pawiak in Warsaw, - literary meetings in Libraries in Warsaw: in the city centre, Rembertów, Bemowo, Mokotów, - the open airs and family parties about educational character, Name day of Jan's King in Wilanow of 2008 of the measure of the Office of the Promotion of the Warsaw...

Fundacja Orange





Muzeum Techniki i Przemyslu NOT


Muzeum Gazownictwa



Cities Historical Museum of Warsaw

Adres: Rynek Starego Miasta 28-42, 00-272 Warszawa
tel. 635-16-25; fax 831-94-91;
email: sekretariat@mhw.pl; strona: www.mhw.pl

Royal Castle in Warsaw

Pomnik Historii i Kultury Narodowej
Adres: Plac Zamkowy 4, 00-277 Warszawa
informacja: tel. (022) 35 55 170, fax (022) 35 55 127
strona: www.zamek-krolewski.pl

Warsaw Old Town House of Culture

Self-government institution of the Capital City of Warsaw Culture.
Adres: Rynek Starego Miasta 2 Warszawa.
telefon: (0-22) 831 23 75, 831 17 15; fax: (0-22) 635 36 16;
e-mail: sdk@sdk.pl; strona: www.sdk.pl
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